Daily Activities

Maintaining the Gurukula tradition since 1910, there are regular classes at the Peeth on Vedanta, vyakarana and prakarana granthas of Darshana shastras, taught to ascetics seeking sannnyasa and to full time brahmacharis. The teaching, in the Kailasa tradition, is under the loving guidance of a team of three acharyas of the Peeth, committed to reviving and disseminating the timeless spiritual essence of Sanatana Dharma.
These classes start at 7am and go on till 5pm with breaks in between. Essentially there are around 5-6 hours of classes which are attended by the resident students as well as seekers coming from other Ashrams and places.
The day starts with Bhashya Paranayam and ends with evening Arati at the Shankara Hall. For details on the subjects and pathyakrama, please click this link.