
Swami Premananda Saraswati, is the President of Trust. He is a direct disciple of H.H.Swami Sivananda Sarasawati Maharaj of Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. Following in his Guru’s footsteps, he has been guiding sadhakas and doing seva activities with the help of volunteers in several remote villages of Uttarkashi for over fifty years. Focussed on health and education, these activities are conducted under the aegis of the Sivananda Seva Samiti.

Swami Janardhanananda Saraswati, General Secretary, has been a guiding force for the Peeth right from the beginning. A disciple of Swami Vishnudevanandaji Maharaj of ISYVC, he has been engaged in teaching and seva activities in Uttarkashi for over two decades Residing at Vishnudevananda Tapovananam, he has been mentoring children and young adults from the local villages, teaching them the importance of values and an ecologically sensitized lifestyle in addition to guiding them in their school or college subjects. His recent activities also include guiding the staff and students at his Guru’s Ashram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala.

Swami Hariomananada Saraswati, Additional Secretary, has been a student of Yoga and Vedanta for nearly three decades. He is a disciple of Swami Vishnudevanandaji of ISYVC and a resident of Vishnudevananda Tapovanam. Besides assisting with the Peeth activities and his sadhana and study at Uttarkashi, he is also the visiting Acharya at Madurai Ashram of SYVC.

Swami Aananda Tirtha, is the Treasurer of the Trust. He takes care of the office, administrative and construction activities at the Peeth. A disciple of Swami Vishnu Tirthaji, he is a keen student of Vedanta for over two decades. He is widely travelled and has authored few books on his travels and experiences with people from varied backgrounds.

Swami Shardananda Saraswati, founder trustee, is the Aacharya of Chinmaya International Foundation, Veliyanadu, Kerala. Formerly known as Brahmachari Samvid Chaitanya, he was initiated into sannyasa by H. H. Swami Tejomayanadaji Maharaj of Chinmaya Mission. He is proficient in Vedanta and at the same time a perfectly chiseled devotee.

Swami Govindananda, is the founder of Sivananada Yogavidya Peeth, Kerala. A disciple of Swami Vishnudevanandaji Maharaj of ISYVC, he is an accomplished Yogacharya who conducts Yoga TTCs for Indian and international students. He is also a regular contributor to charitable causes in different parts of India.

Swami Krishnananda, stays in the Himalaya for the last 20 years. He wandered through all over the country and stayed in Gangotri during his tapasya period. Presently he stays in a small kutiya in Dharali, 25 kms before Gangotri. He prefers solitude and spends his time reciting the Bhagavatam.
Swami AsimanandaTirtha, has been staying in Uttarkashi for the last 25 years. In his younger years he stayed at Divine life society, Rishikesh as a sevak to Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. He studied vedantic texts from Mahamandaleswar Sri Swami Divyananda Saraswatiji. He was intiated into sannyasa by Aacharya Swami Vishnu Tirthaji. Presently he stays at Mukti Dham, Uttarkashi.